Maysville, Ky., U.S.A. (May, 2021) – Carlson Software today released Precision 3D Hydro and Topo 2021, a major update to its 3D design environment software which now provides a full set of commands for three major design functions in hydrology. These include: culvert design (round and rectangular), channel design with automated channel liner selection, and, most importantly, full storm sewer design. Sanitary and utility lines such as water and gas lines can also be drawn and displayed. 

Today’s 2021 release extends the power of P3D Hydro by adding full storm sewer design capability. Extending the capabilities provided in Carlson’s CAD-based Hydrology software, P3D Hydro 2021 makes storm sewer design 3D and visual, with an expanding library of correctly dimensioned inlets and headwalls that insert along curbs and at low points with real-world accuracy. The curb snap capability, shown below, allows for inlet insertion from a distance along any curb line. The green curb snap extends beyond the cursor in both directions along the curb and ensures an accurate snap, following the tangents and curves of the curb line through direct analysis of the digital terrain model.

P3D Hydro displays symbols for inlets, seen below are open throat, manhole, and “combo” inlet types.

An additional “diamond snap” allows the user to connect to any existing structure, both from an upstream to downstream position, as shown below, or as a starting point for continuation of the storm sewer system.

An extensive library of inlets, manholes and headwalls continues to expand based on user needs and inputs. Controls exist for insertion points, positions for 3D placement for water entry, and “sag” and “on grade” water intake parameters. Shown below are 3 inlet types often used in Kentucky.

It is good engineering practice to limit gutter spread in storm sewer design to prevent ponding and vehicle hydroplaning. Precise analysis of gutter spread, both in sag and on grade, assists the user in minimizing the number of inlets used to meet maximum gutter spread requirements.  There is even a command to launch storm sewer design and place inlets at the maximum interval down a length of road with pipe lengths set by either maximum pipe length (such as 300 feet or 100 meters) or by the inlet location that matches allowable gutter spread, whichever pipe length is less. In this way, with one click to place the first inlet, an entire series of inlets trace along the gutter line automatically, with associated pipes. Pipes can then be sized based on peak flow analysis using any desired storm event (10-year, 25-year, 50-year, 100-year).

 Although P3D Hydro 2021 focuses on storm sewer design, you can import sanitary sewer networks and utility networks (such as gas lines or water lines) from the Carlson Hydrology module. These networks display in 3D and show pipe material types (corrugated metal, concrete, PVC, etc.) allowing visualization of multiple pipes by viewing from underneath or through the surface using transparency. Another new feature in P3D Hydro 2021 is collision analysis, both in terms of pipe separation vertically as well as horizontally. Shown below is an example of 2 pipe crossing clearances being reported.

 P3D Hydro 2021 is virtually the fastest way to design storm sewers available today. Pick, place, analyze, study for collisions, revise, extend, change inlet type, then send to CAD as a stored Carlson “.sew” file. With DynamicCAD, which can draw in CAD simultaneously with the design in P3D, all inlets will be plotted in CAD, placed perfectly on the curb lines, faithfully representing both open throat, grate, and “combo” style inlets as seen below, right down to the number of openings in the grate.

The combination of P3D Hydro 2021 and Carlson Hydrology for deliverables simplifies storm sewer design and makes it accessible to interns and new employees in your organization. It is fun, 3D, accurate, and real. Try it today.

A pair of informative 5-minute overview videos demonstrating P3D’s range of features are available on this playlist, and more videos will follow, covering all aspects of P3D Hydro 2021.

Carlson’s Precision 3D Topo 2021 also gains many new features and greater compatibility with the 2021 release, including support for E57, KML/KMZ, LandXML 2.0, 3D PDF and OBJ export, and the ability to export grid points directly for surface creation in other software applications. 

More information about Carlson Precision 3D 2021 is available here. Contact your local Carlson representative or Carlson dealer at or call Carlson at 606-564-5028.

Carlson Software Inc. specializes in CAD design software, field data collection, laser measurement, and machine control products for the civil engineering, surveying, GIS, construction, and mining industries worldwide, providing one-source technology solutions for the entire project cycle. Carlson Software is headquartered in Maysville, Ky., U.S.A., with branch offices in Boston, Mass.; Almere, The Netherlands; Melbourne, Australia; Ottawa, Canada; and York, England.